Erleben Sie ein außergewöhnliches Abenteuer mit unseren Europa-Radtouren in der Region Zadar – die ideale Wahl für alle, die mehr als nur den typischen Strandurlaub möchten. Diese Radreise führt über fünf abwechslungsreiche Strecken in Norddalmatien. Jeder Radweg verspricht eine einzigartige Erkundung der Naturwunder der Region, von charmanten Städten bis zu malerischen Inseln, von einem Naturpark bis zu einem ruhigen See.
Unsere Europa-Radtour verbindet den Nervenkitzel des Rennradfahrens mit der Entdeckung des kulturellen Erbes und der atemberaubenden Landschaft dieses Teils von Kroatien. Radfahrer haben die Möglichkeit, historische Städte wie Zadar und Nin zu durchqueren, die schönen Inseln Ugljan und Pašman an der Küste zu erleben und die Ruhe des Naturparks Vrana-Sees zu genießen.
Nutzen Sie an Ihrem freien Tag die Gelegenheit, Zadar zu entdecken, eine alte Stadt mit einer beeindruckenden 3000-jährigen Geschichte. Erkunden Sie die charmante Altstadt und ihre historischen Stätten, architektonischen Wunderwerke und kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten aus der römischen, venezianischen und mittelalterlichen Vergangenheit. Heute bietet Zadar eine lebendige Mischung aus zeitgenössischen Kunstinstallationen, lebhaften Cafés und belebten Märkten.
Egal, ob Sie durch antike Städte oder über Küstenpfade radeln, diese europäische Radtour verspricht eine bereichernde und eindrucksvolle Erkundung der Schätze Norddalmatiens.
- 8 Tage / 7 Nächte
- 1 Person - Min. Anzahl der Teilnehmer pro Tour
- 1. Tag – Ankunft: Ankunft im Hotel, Einchecken und Informationsgespräch mit einem Vertreter der Agentur. Fahrradanpassung und kurze Radtour, um sicherzustellen, dass alles in Ordnung ist.
- 2. Tag – Nin – Vir – Privlaka (ca. 89 km, 715 m Höhe): Eine reizvolle Route, die die Schönheit der Küste, historische Stätten und den einzigartigen Charme der Region vereint, führt Sie von Zadar nach Nin und zur Insel Vir. Legen Sie in Nin eine Pause ein, um die historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die alten Stadttore und die Heilschlammstätte zu erkunden. Die kleine Stadt ist voller kultureller Schätze und damit ein lohnender Zwischenstopp auf Ihrer Radreise.
- 3. Tag – Karin – Obrovac (ca. 107 km, Höhenunterschied 1100 m): Das Radfahren in der Region um die Stadt Obrovac und Karin in Kroatien bietet Rennradfans eine Kombination aus abwechslungsreichen Landschaften, historischen Stätten und anspruchsvollen Strecken. Das Terrain um Obrovac und Karin ist eine Mischung aus Steigungen und Abfahrten, die Ihre Radfahrkünste herausfordern. Einige Strecken führen Sie zu hochgelegenen Aussichtspunkten mit atemberaubenden Aussichten auf den Fluss Zrmanja und sorgen für Belohnungen während Ihrer Fahrt.
- 4. Tag – Inseln Ugljan und Pašman (ca. 80 km, 840 m Höhe): Die Radtour von Zadar zu den Inseln Ugljan und Pašman bietet eine perfekte Mischung aus anspruchsvollem Rennradfahren, kulturellen Entdeckungen und der Schönheit der Küste. Es ist eine Reise, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, den einzigartigen Charakter jeder Insel zu schätzen und gleichzeitig die dynamischen Landschaften der dalmatinischen Küste zu genießen.
- 5. Tag – freier Tag: Nutzen Sie Ihren freien Tag zur entspannten Erkundung der Umgebung in einem gemütlichen Tempo. Das ist die Gelegenheit, um lokale Attraktionen oder Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erkunden, die Sie vielleicht während Ihrer Radtage verpasst haben. Dazu können historische Stätten, Museen oder Naturdenkmäler in der Nähe gehören. Genießen Sie die kulinarische Szene durch das Probieren traditioneller Gerichte in empfohlenen Restaurants. Nutzen Sie diesen Tag, um die Aromen der Region zu genießen und vielleicht einige versteckte kulinarische Perlen zu entdecken.
- 6. Tag – Ravni kotari – Vrana-See (ca. 118 km, 980 m Höhe): Rennradfahren in der Region Ravni kotari, einschließlich des Naturparks Vrana und des Gipfels Kamenjak über dem Vrana-See. Die Tour bietet eine malerische Mischung aus Natur, kulturellem Erbe und anspruchsvollen Anstiegen. Wenn Sie durch Ravni kotari fahren, treffen Sie auf historische Stätten wie die Mašković Han, eine gut erhaltene Karawanserei aus der osmanischen Zeit. Legen Sie Pausen ein, um diese kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erkunden, die eine wertvolle Ergänzung Ihrer Radtour sind. Der Höhepunkt des Raderlebnisses in dieser Gegend ist der Aufstieg zum Gipfel des Kamenjak. Der Aufstieg zum Kamenjak ist anspruchsvoll, lohnt sich aber. Oben angekommen erwartet Sie ein Panoramablick auf den Vrana-See und die Adria.
- 7. Tag – Insel Dugi otok (ca. 95 km, Höhe 1200 m): Begeben Sie sich auf eine Radtour über Dugi otok, wo Sie eine perfekte Mischung aus malerischen Küstenrouten und herausfordernden Anstiegen erleben werden. Die kurvenreichen Straßen der Insel bieten spektakuläre Ausblicke auf die Adria und laden Radfahrer ein, ihre Ausdauer zu testen, während sie die ruhige Atmosphäre genießen. Rennradfahren auf Dugi otok in Kroatien verspricht ein aufregendes Abenteuer mit steilen Anstiegen, schwungvollen Abfahrten und unberührter Natur, was die Insel zu einem idealen Ziel für leidenschaftliche Radfahrer macht.
- 8. Tag – Abreise: Frühstück und Auschecken aus dem Hotel. Die Heimreise wird hoffentlich von Erinnerungen an Ihre Radsportleistungen und die einzigartigen Erfahrungen geprägt sein, die Sie während Ihres Rennradabenteuers in Kroatien gesammelt haben.
- Unterkunft im 3*-Hotel im Doppelzimmer, 7 Nächte in Zadar (mit Frühstück und Abendessen , Premium-Zimmer)
- Kurtaxe
- Fährtickets zu den Inseln Ugljan und Pašman (Fahrrad und Person)
- Fährtickets zu die Insel Dugi otok
- Eintritt in den Naturpark Vrana
- Eintritt in den Naturpark Telašćica
- gpx-Dateien (5 Tage Radfahren – Radrouten von 80 bis 120 km mit Höhenunterschieden von 700 bis 1200 Metern)
- Fahrradlieferung zum Hotel
- Fahrradkeller im Hotel
- Welcome Meeting mit einem Vertreter der Agentur Zzuum im Hotel
- Einzelzimmer von 180 € bis 250 € (der Preis hängt von der Jahreszeit ab)
- rennradverleih mit spd-pedalen 160 € (Shimano 105 gruppenset, Helm, Reparatur-Kit, Pumpe)
- Transfer vom Flughafen Zadar 100 € - 140 € je nach Anzahl der Personen
- Zweifach konifizierter Rahmen aus Aluminium 6061
- Carbon/Alloy Gabel
- Kurbelgarnitur Shimano 105 compact (172,5/50 x 34 mit 11-30 CS)
- Felge: TRC Senso
- Komponenten: TRC Legierung 25 c
- Reifen: Schwalbe Lugano 700x25C
- Größen: XS (46,5cm), M (53,5cm), L (55,5cm), XL (58,5cm)
- 100 € Anzahlung pro Person für die Reservierungsbestätigung
- Rückerstattung der Anzahlung bei Stornierung bis 14 Tage vor dem Anreisedatum
- Vollständige Zahlung bis 14 Tage vor dem Anreisedatum
- keine Stornogebühren bis 14 Tage vor dem Anreisedatum
- Stornogebühren von 50 % von 13 bis 4 Tagen vor dem Anreisedatum
- Stornogebühren von 100 % ab 3 Tagen vor dem Anreisedatum oder bei Nichterscheinen
- Diese Tour ist für Einzelreisende konzipiert, nicht für große Gruppen
- Ankunft/Abreise: Samstag/Samstag
- andere Ankunfts-/Abreisetage sind auf Anfrage möglich
- KOSTENLOSER PARKPLATZ für Gäste, Die Mit Dem Auto Anreisen
Was unsere Kunden sagen
- Great and Fun Way to See the City Our Zadar e-bike tour was a highlight of our two-week trip to Croatia. It was a private tour with just my wife and I and our guide, Mario. The bikes were in great shape and the instructions were easy. Mario did an excellent job of leading us and providing a history and description of the city. He kept us going at a good pace (I was afraid we'd be forced to go very slow) and negotiated us through some construction zones. We considered just renting bikes and touring on our own, but I'm glad we went with Mario. His English was very good and he provided just the right amount of information, not too little or too much. Our tour lasted about 2 1/2 hours. We thought it was an excellent value for the price and a great way to see the city. We'd definitely recommend moreread lessRaceBannen10/28/2024Great bike tour and highly recommended Great effortless bike ride through Zadar on their electric assisted bikes. Great tour guide with lots of nice information and moreread lessJim K7/14/2024Wonderful way to explore Zadar - these guys are great! As this was our first visit to Zadar, we figured that a cycle tour with electric bikes would be a great way to see the place. We booked a Zzuum Guided Tour and it was fantastic. Our guide was Mario and he was engaging and knowledgable. We saw great sites, both within the city area and also in the outlying areas and he explained the various important areas and locations and where appropriate the historic significance. The bikes were great and in good condition and easy to operate. We had a most enjoyable time and I highly recommend this tourread moreread lesshowards20106/16/2024
- Zzum hielp mij geweldig toen ik problemen met mijn kogafiets had in Zadar. Ze hebben in no time mijn fiets gerepareerd, maar dan ook de hele fiets goed nagekeken, absoluut niet duur. Daarnaast meegedacht in routes, deze meegekregen en daardoor een fantastische route gefietst naar Skradin waarbij de autoweg werd vermeden! dit adres een 100% aanrader
Minke Doumaread moreread lessMinke Douma6/14/2024Great day out! This was our first time in Zadar and we often hire bikes/bike tour in other places so thought we would enjoy a self-guided island tour! The island is beautiful and we would love to stay here on our next visit. We were provided with everything that we needed for the trip from locks to spare tires to a huge side bag, meaning we were able to take towels and water shoes.
There were a few small things, but this definitely did not affect our day and i would still highly recommend!! Staff at the shop provided us with a map and lovely location for a small town and beach that was a bit further out, but we were really glad we visited as it was so lovely and quiet!!
We had bikes booked for 9am through Viator, but received a message to say our ferry was not due till 11:30am and to get there an hour before. We still arrived at 9am as i thought we could catch the 9:30 ferry (I did not realise with a bike you needed to go to the main dock around 25mins away and so we could not catch this one). We did however have the full day as the shop shut at 2pm meaning we were able to keep the bikes overnight and ride them back in the morning which was great for us, as our accommodation was far out!
Staff explained to us that we should take the road path as the other path on the map was for mountain bikes (we were given more city bikes). We did however find the distance a long way and the roads were up large hills, next time we would defiantly opt for a mountain bike or an electric bike.
We did see that there were also lots of places to hire bikes from as little as €20 a day, i think we would have saved some money in hiring a bike and paying for our own ferry tickets as we easily also used google maps whilst on the island (we had paid £47 each for bike+ferry ticket)read moreread lessTravelz_DS6/11/2024Everything You Need for Cycling around Zadar and The Islands Fantastic bike rental outlet, with many cycling tour options. Zzumm had a wide range of bikes (mountain, road and e-bikes). Equally important is that they were so friendly and helpful in providing information about cycling the area (maps, tips, ferry information etc, etc0. We did 3 different self-guided tours to Ugljan, Passim and Dugi Otok . fantastic cycling and beautiful places to visit. Highly Recommend visiting the Zzumm team, in the Old moreread lesscolin s6/09/2024 - Electric bikes in Zadar My wife and I hired electric bikes from Zzuum for three days during our short trip to Zadar. The staff were really friendly and helpful. The bikes were of a very good standard and well-equipped. Checking the bikes out and back was very straightforward and quick.
The bikes were great for exploring Zadar and its surroundings. They were perfect for travelling the 5km from where we were staying into town and we did a longer 35km round trip to Nin which was a lovely walled half-island up the peninsula.
Thanks to all of the team at moreread lessJim H5/15/2024Perfect We rented two e-bikes and took us independently to Ugljana. Bikes were in good condition and customer service was excellent. Ugljana was a beautiful island and it was convenient to get there by the moreread lessAyga_105/12/2024Electric Bikes are amazing way to see Zadar! Seeing Zadar on an electric bike was amazing! We covered so much ground and had a great time. The bikes were in excellent shape and our guide was fantastic. We came in on a cruise ship & it was a quick easy taxi ride to Zzuum where we met our guide/ moreread lessBrennanFam5/09/2024 - Scenery ride throughout Zadar Riding around Zadar was an amazing experience. When I arrived at the site, they gave me a helmet and a bike. They will help you adjust your seat and the handle so you can enjoy a smooth ride. Then they explained what the tour would consist of, and afterward, you start riding. The tour guide was friendly and makes sure you don't fall behind. You get to take amazing pictures and learn about the history of moreread lessDavid V5/07/2024Super easy and helpful with bike rental and choosing a location to ride. They spent extra time helping add navigation to my phone and suggestions for Island rides. Added touch: while at their office they took time to help an older touring couple with a bike fix that was ready within the hour to keep them riding. Highly recommended!read moreread lessJohn Montgomery10/21/2023
- Easy rental via webpage, my MTB bike was great and the woman in zzuum office was very kind and helpful 🙂read moreread lessKrzysztof Gieroj10/21/2023
- My husband and 2 teenagers visited Zadar on a Celebrity Cruise and booked a day with some bicycles with ZZUUM. It was very easy to find and the owner was super helpful and friendly. She gave us maps and helped us navigate to where we wanted to ride. The bicycles were in great shape, the prices were reasonable and we had a great time! Zadar is beautiful! I highly recommend using ZZUUM for your tour needs! Oh, and a bonus were the 2 cute cats hanging outside the office!read moreread lessSharee Gatto9/21/2023Fantastic service. Great bikes with no issues at all. Really handy how they proved dry bags with the bikes and spare tubes incase of a popped tyre (which we had to use) and really nice lady who gave us a nice itinerary for our day on the bikes. €20 was for 24 hours so we returned the next morning so we could use them though the evening. Perfect. Thanks again 😊read moreread lessC S9/21/2023
- Excellent guided e bike tour of Zadar We had a really enjoyable toured ride around Zadar with our guide Anthony. He took us to a lot of amazing spots to see the local area and the e bikes made it very easy for us to get around. Anthony shared a lot of his love and passion for the area and was very informative.
We would recommend this tour to anyone great way to see a lot of the area!👍😀read moreread less734russellm9/13/2023Uglijan Visit is a must Best decision I ever made. Boat over from Zadar. Stayed on the Island for a few days. And it was fantastic. Friendly, peaceful and just a stone throw away from Zadar. Even if you go for a day. You'll love it. Land in Preko and either get a bus, take a bike or walk. Beaches, bars and lovely bakeries. Stunning moreread lessGo304268943929/10/2023 - We rented the bikes for a whole day (€ 20/bike for 24h) and it was totally worth it! If you are bored of sitting on the beaches and want to explore the country and also the islands then it is the best program. The lady was really helpfull, she recommended us some beautiful routes and beaches, also we got free helmets too:))read moreread lessAnna Bárdos7/24/2023Amazing bike rental! We rented city bikes, we are from the Netherlands so we bike a lot. These bikes where amazing! We were helped really good and shown the way around Zadar on the map and the best way we could bike on the island next to Zadar! The price is a bit high but it’s totally worth it!!!!!read moreread lesslynn lansink7/23/2023We booked Ugljan self-guided bike tour and it was such an amazing experience. It was our first bike tour ever and we were amazed how much you can see on the bike and the experience is totally different. Ugljan is really nice, peacefull island and perfect spot to spent a day on. Adrijana gave us great advices what to visit and where to go. Bikes were in good condition. We will definitely come back moreread lessAmna Golos7/13/2023
- Three island self guided MTB tour The tour was superbly organised from start to finish by Nicolas & his team, with all the transfers & ferry crossings included.
The well thought out varied routes each day visited many interesting & beautiful places around the moreread lessCoastal314660268967/05/2023Great Service and experience. We booked "self-guided" tour for Ugljan island. Crew helped us with routes and booked ferry tickets. We got good tips for our daytrip. Bikes were in good conditioning and well maintained including accessories, spare tyres and touring bag. All guys were very friendly, they also offered flexibility on bike return if we would have stay longer on moreread lessHarri Peltomaa6/27/2023Zzuum was recommended to us by a local bike shop for servicing and washing our bikes ahead of the final leg of our trip.
The service was absolutely stunning: quick, professional and realistic. As a bonus, Bruno turned the bikes around on the day so we could keep going the following morning.
They also offer bike tours and rental around the area so worth checking them out when getting your cycling fix in Zadar.
10/10. 5 stars. A+++!read moreread lessCelts On Wheels6/19/2023 - Highly recommended bike tour! Our bicycle tour of Zadar was super! We learned a lot from our tour guide, Ante, who was quite knowledgeable about the geography and history of the area. I asked him a lot of questions and really enjoyed the conversation. This ride from Zzuum is highly recommended!read moreread lessRandall C6/18/2023Really excellent. The best way to sample Zadar. Our guide was very friendly, knowledgeable, and personable. The tour agency was also easy to work with, communicative, and accommodated our slightly later starting time. The bikes were excellent as well. Absolutely don't miss this, it wouldn't have been a proper tour of Zadar without seeing it on a bike!read moreread lessAlicia Wu6/11/2023
Nin ist eine charmante kleine Stadt in der Nähe von Zadar. Sie hat eine lange Geschichte, die ihre Spuren in der Architektur und zahlreichen historischen Denkmälern hinterlassen hat. Nin ist ein Ort, an dem einst die kroatischen Könige gekrönt wurden. Alles in allem ein wunderschönes Juwel, das Sie unbedingt besuchen sollten!
Die Geschichte dieser dalmatinischen Stadt reicht bis ins 4. Jahrhundert vor Christus zurück. Überall finden Sie römische, venezianische oder österreichische Überreste. Die zahlreichen Kirchen, Kulturdenkmäler und Museen erzählen die Geschichte der turbulenten Vergangenheit, aber diese Stadt ist nicht nur eine Stadt der Vergangenheit. Die Meeresorgel und der Greeting to the Sun sind moderne Attraktionen, die jedes Jahr Tausende von Touristen sehen wollen.
Ravni kotari ist eine Region im Norden Dalmatiens. Es ist berühmt für die Herstellung traditioneller Lebensmittel und die Bewahrung der Tradition. Wunderschöne, erhaltene Natur, eine großartige Lage zum Angeln und für Outdoor-Aktivitäten, aber vor allem die Gastfreundschaft der Einheimischen sind hervorragende Gründe, Ravni Kotari zu besuchen.